At Eirclear we have offer a range of services as your Customs Agent. Our experienced customs agents are always on hand to help you whether it’s the movement of SPS goods, moving goods through Northern Ireland or advice on special customs procedures.

SPS Goods
This category covers live animals, plants & plant products, products of animal origin, and food of non-animal origin. These goods have an extra layer of complexity in that they must also be cleared by the Department of Agriculture or the HSE, depending on the goods.
Vehicles & Machinery
The issue that gets most attention in the import of vehicles is generally Customs Duty. For most passenger cars imported from the UK, the general situation is that a 10% Customs Duty rate will apply. For vans and trucks, the Customs Duty rate can be as high as 22%.

Building materials
A significant chunk of our client base operates in the construction sector, and typically declarations are for standard building materials such as cladding, plasterboard, concrete products, roof tiles and steel.