Movement of Building Materials
Building Materials
A significant chunk of our client base operate in the construction sector, and typically declarations are for standard building materials such as cladding, plasterboard, concrete products, roof tiles and steel.
Timing is important for certain steel imports
Most items are quite standard from a customs perspective, but steel is more complex due to the EU Steel Safeguards. These measured were introduced in 2019 in response to US trade measures and apply to certain commodity codes in the steel space. This means that steel from certain countries may be liable to special 25% duties if it is not possible to claim the relevant quota. Quotas are set for each quarter, and so typically there will be ample headroom in the quota in the early part of the quarter. Towards the end of a quarter however, it is important to check whether it will be possible to claim the quota, as the financial consequences of timing it incorrectly can be quote severe.